Thank you so much for being patient with us, while we got things sorted out and ready, before revealing the new restaurant location. As you already know, the neighborhood is Columbia Heights. We felt it was a perfect area to spread our Lao Food Movement!
So we officially are telling you, dear customers, that the location is:
3462 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20010
We’d like to thank Steve Gaudio for volunteering his time to get the space leasing process done for us.
Please continue to be patient while we revamp the location and get things ready for our Grand Opening. In the mean time if you would like to be considered for an invitation for the soft opening, please sign up for our mailing list at
Interested in soft opening. Thanks! And congratulations!
I live in that neighborhood and I am SO very excited to hear that we will be getting a Laotian restaurant. Hopefully this will lessen my trips to Wheaton and Falls Church, where I’ve always felt the Southeast Asian dining choices were far better than I could find in the city. So please hurry.